Con mas de 9 años de experiencia se ha convertido en una de las mejores discoteques de Santiago, se encuentra ubicada en plenos barrio Bellavista, lugar que ocupaba la discoteque Heaven y antes el legendario Picaresque. Punta brown esta orientado a un publico principlamente joven, recibe normalmente a un entretenido y selecionado publico universitario, convirtiendose en una altenativa nocturna de primer nivel.
With more than 9 years experience Punta Brown has become one of the best discoteques in Santiago. It is located in the Bellavista Neihbourhood, in the same location as the former Heaven discoteque, and before that, the legendary Picaresque. Punta Brown focusses on mainly young guests, there is generally rather a student audience. The place is turning into a first class nightlife alternative.
